Christopher Paul McPadden served in the U.S. Army for 35 years, retiring as a is a Major General. He has significant leadership experience, having been responsible for leading and developing the strategy, planning and policy for the U.S. Military and the Army globally at the Pentagon, as well as within active theaters of war in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
Most recently he served as Director of Strategy, Plans, and Policy for the Army at the Pentagon. He has extensive international experience working with militaries around the world, including the Middle East, Pacific, South America and Europe. Chris’ wartime service includes: Director, Future Plans during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan in 2001; and Chief of Plans, Multi- National Forces-Iraq (MNF-I), Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, Iraq under General Odierno in 2008, where he was responsible for President Obama’s Drawdown Plan. He also served as an Assistant Operations Officer and Company Commander during Operation DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM, Iraq.
Other significant Strategy and Planning assignments include Deputy Director for Joint Strategic Planning on the Joint Staff in the Pentagon, developing the National Military Strategy for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs – General Dunford; Director for Concept Development and Learning for TRADOC producing the Army’s Operational Concept, and Chief, Commander’s Action Group, United States Central Command, serving for two years on General Mattis’ personal staff.
Chris commissioned from the United States Military Academy in 1985 after receiving a BS, and he holds three Master’s Degrees from Brown University (History); the Command and General Staff College (Military Arts and Science/SAMS); and the Army War College (Strategic Studies). He has also completed all course work for a Doctorate in History at Kansas State. He is a graduate of the Airborne, Jumpmaster, and Ranger schools, executive development programs, and the National Association of Corporate Directors.