Introducing Bancroft Capital
Posted: September 20, 2018
Introducing Bancroft Capital, Committed to Service and Excellence

Bancroft Capital founder, Cauldon D. Quinn, is committed to doing anything he can to help disabled veterans.
Service to clients. Service to veterans. Service to country. This commitment is the pillar on which Bancroft Capital was founded. A certified Service-Disabled-Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), Bancroft Capital operates an Institutional Broker-Dealer and Investment Advisor with a mission to provide training and employment for disabled veterans.
With decades of combined financial industry experience, our team offers our clients a suite of services including: municipals, equities, taxable fixed income, cash management and retirement planning.
In addition to providing best-in-class service, we employ a veteran training program that places financial industry veterans alongside military veterans working together to deliver value-added content to our clients.
Bancroft was founded by Cauldon D. Quinn, a service-disabled veteran and financial industry leader, who is committed to doing anything he can to help disabled veterans and has dedicated his career to doing so.
“The driving force that led me to open Bancroft Capital was a desire to serve a cause greater than myself,” said Quinn. “My goal is to provide more than a job to those who have served our country, but to provide disabled veterans with meaningful and lasting employment.”
Mr. Quinn is honored to share his story with you:
Dear Guest,
Late in the evening of January 9th, 2002 I laid back on the cargo deck of a spinning C-130 on what was left of the tarmac at the Kandahar International Airfield. I was headed out to visit FARP’s (Forward Arming & Refueling Point) which my unit was operating in the field. Tired, sweating and freezing at the same, laden with my Alice Pack and 70+lbs of gear the floor of the C-130’s cargo bay was a welcomed respite.
It wasn’t long before I realized that I had forgotten something. Earlier in the day a young soldier whom I had never met asked if I would look out for a birthday care package sent by his family several weeks earlier. I had found the package and intended to hand carry the last leg but as I lay on that cargo floor I realized I had left it in my hooch. My conscience is an overpowering force and despite my best efforts to dismiss what was “right” I begrudgingly exited the aircraft just prior to take-off. I cussed this young soldier’s name as I waited for the next flight later in the night.
Incommunicado while in the field I was oblivious to what had happened. It was only upon my return to Kandahar that I was informed of a memorial service being held that morning – everyone on that first plane had died.
A Chaplain attached to our unit had printed on a leaflet the words to “Amazing Grace”; even as I write this now I well with emotion at the mention of that song. About 170 service members from US and its ally’s Special Forces regiments sang that song in what was left of a bombed out Kandahar International Airfield. There was not a dry eye in the house. As the service concluded I flipped over the leaflet to see the names of the lost, Capt. Matthew Bancroft was the top of the list. This caught my attention as only a few years ago I had attended the U.S. Naval Academy with a Midn. Matthew Bancroft. A name that all Midshipmen hold dear as it is also the name of our collective dormitory home to all 4400 middies, Bancroft Hall (aka. Mother B). I dare say that everyone knew of Midn. Matthew Bancroft.
For some time I struggled with survivors guilt. There was no good reason as to why I would have gotten off that aircraft. No good reason why Capt. Matthew Bancroft would die that day and I would live. I have since come to terms with that fateful day and my truth – my Creator was not done with me just yet and I was to serve Him with my life. Thus, Bancroft Capital.
Bancroft will never forget the sacrifice of life and limb lay on the battlefields by so many. We endeavor to achieve excellence in all we do, that through our success we may offer the opportunity of restoration to those service members and first responders who have sacrificed so much.
Cauldon D. Quinn